Testimonial from Christine
Chicago! Spring is only a handful of weeks away. So what are you dong to get ready? Here is a testimonial from my client Christine “I’ve worked with Simon for the past three years, and it has been one of the best investments I’ve ever made. He is an…
Testimonial from James
“I lost 10 pounds of body fat and I can play basketball on the weekends without pain. I haven’t felt this good in 10 years!” – James www.simonsayslift.com James is down 10 pounds..can do 20 pull ups…dead lift close to 300lbs and can finally see his ABS! I’m a personal…
Women are just as strong
From what I’ve seen from the last 4-5 years of being a personal trainer in Chicago Women are pound per pound just as strong as men. Just as strong. In every sense of the word.. Emotionally…Physically…Spiritually Totally convinced. Just as strong. Just as tough. Just as ferocious. And since they’re…
Pressure can burst a pipe or make a diamond. (Burst pipe) I feel insecure…I don’t like feeling judged..I’m embarrassed about my body. I won’t ask for help. I won’t go to the gym. Or (DIAMOND) EVERYONE feels insecure about something. EVERYONE JUDGES EVERYONE. I choose to see reality for what…
Why are all your clients in amazing shape???
The Life of Personal Trainer in Chicago “How did your clients get SO STRONG and FIT?” I get this question a lot. Thought I would share some tips. Different people have different ways of viewing health and fitness success. I am using these variables when taking about success… (Healthy body…